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Academic Jobs in Sweden Degrees, Courses, Programs in Sweden Bachelors Degrees in Sweden Masters Degrees in Sweden Diplomas in Sweden PhD Programs in Sweden Scholarships in Sweden Associate Programs in Sweden Certificate Programs in Sweden Undergraduate Programs in Sweden Graduate Programs in Sweden Postgraduate Programs in Sweden Majors in Sweden Minors in Sweden Research Degrees in Sweden
Academic Institutions in Sweden Universities in Sweden Institutes in Sweden Colleges in Sweden Academies in Sweden Polytechnics in Sweden Departments in Sweden Faculties in Sweden Chairs in Sweden Organizations in Sweden Associations in Sweden Centres in Sweden Medical Centres in Sweden Foundations in Sweden Networks in Sweden
Symbols: online: online, possibly not online: possibly not online, status uncertain: status uncertain, possible broken link: possible broken link, Url not found:Url not found
InstitutionJob vacanciesStudy opportunities
1online Abisko Scientific Research Station
2online Academy of Fine Arts | Umeå Universitetcourses | Academy of Fine Arts | Umeå Universitet
3online Academy of Music and Drama, University of Gothenburg
4online Angstrom Laboratory, Uppsala University
5online Aspero International Retail College
6online Association of Swedish Higher Education (SUHF)
7online BLICC - Business Leaders Initiative on Climate Change
8online Baltic Business School (BBS), University of Kalmar
9online Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics
10online Blekinge Institute of Technology
11online Blekinge Tekniska Höskola
12online Business Academy's Faculty of Law
13online Center for Biomembrane Research
14online Centre for Environmental and Climate Research, Lund University
15online Centrum för LivsLångt Lärande, C3L
16online Chalmers University of Technologycourses | Chalmers University of Technology
17online Chemical Biological Centre, Umeå University (KBC)
18online Computational Biology and Biological Physics, Lund University
19online Computational and Systems Biology, Department of Laboratory Medicine | Lund University
20online Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS)
21online Dalarna University Collegecourses | Dalarna University College
22online Department of Biology, Stockholm Environment Institute, University of York
23online Department of Biomedical Engineering | Linkoping University
24online Department of Business Administration, University of Lund
25possibly not online Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, University of Gothenburg
26online Department of Chemistry, Umeå University
27online Department of Chemistry,Umeå University
28online Department of English, Uppsala University
29online Department of Geology and Geochemistry, Stockholm University
30online Department of Government, Uppsala University
31online Department of Laboratory Medicine, Lund University
32online Department of Law, Stockholm University
33online Department of Materials Chemistry, Uppsala University
34online Department of Mathematical Sciences,Göteborg University
35online Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics | Karolinska Institutet
36online Department of Medicine, Solna , Karolinska Institutet
37online Department of Molecular Biology and Functional Genomics | Stockholm University
38online Department of Molecular Biology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
39online Department of Nuclear Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology
40online Department of Photochemistry and Molecular Science, Uppsala University
41online Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystems Analysis, University of Lund
42possibly not online Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala Universitycourses | Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University
43online Department of Physics at Gothenburg University
44online Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM), Linkoping University
45online Department of Political Science, Stockholm University
46possibly not online Department of Social Sciences, Växjö University
47online Department of Social Work, Stockholm University
48online Department of Theoretical Physics, Lund University
49online Department of thematitic studies, Linköpings University
50online Dept. of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics (MBB), Karolinska Institutet (KI)
51online Dramatiska institutet University College of Film, Radio, Television and Theatre
52online Economic Research Institute (EFI)
53online Embassy of the Kingdom of Sweden in Lithuania
54online Encell
55online Ersta Sköndal Högskola, Institutionen för Socialt Arbete
56online Ersta Sköndal University College
57online European Molecular Biology Network (EMBnet)
58online European Network for Housing Research (ENHR)
59online Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Göteborg University
60online Faculty of Health Sciences Linköping Universitycourses | Faculty of Health Sciences Linköping University
61online Faculty of Law, University of Lund
62online Faculty of Medicine, Lund University
63online Faculty of Pharmacy, Uppsala University
64online Faculty of Science, University of Gothenburg
65online Folkuniversitetetcourses | Folkuniversitetet
66online Forestry Research Institute of Sweden, SKOGFORSK
67online Foretags Ekonomiska Institutet, Stockholm
68possibly not online Geobiosphere Science Centre
69online Gestalt Academy
70online Gotland University College
71online Göteborg Universitycourses | Göteborg University
72online Göteborg University, Department of Political Science
73online Göteborgs Universitet, Institutionen för Socialt Arbete
74online Göteborgs universitet, Institutionen för kulturvård
75online H.M. Queen Sophia University, College of Nursing
76online Halmstad Universitycourses | Halmstad University
77online Henrik Semb, Stem Cell Center, Lund University, Sweden
78online Hogskolan Kristianstad/Kristianstad University
79online IHM Business School
80online INTRO - INteractive RObotics research network
81online Information Coding, Linköping University (LiU)
82online Ingesund Music School, Karlstad University
83online Ingesund School of Music
84online Institut Mittag-Leffler
85online Institute for Advanced Training of Journalists «FOJO»
86online Institute of International Sociology
87possibly not online Institute of Laboratory Medicine | Lund University
88online Institute of Technology, University Linköping
89online International Drama/Theatre and Education Association (IDEA)
90online International Foundation for Science
91online Itim International
92possibly not online J
93online JTI - Swedish Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering
94online Jnkping International Business School
95online Johannelunds Theological University College
96online Jonkoping International Business School
97online Jonkoping School of Engineering, Jönköping University
98online Jönköping School of Engineering
99possibly not online Jönköping School of Health Science, Jönköping University
100online Jönköping Universitycourses | Jönköping University
101online Jönköping University College of Health Sciences
102online Jönköping University | School of Health Sciencescourses | Jönköping University | School of Health Sciences
103online Jönköping University, International Business School
104online KTH, School of Engineering Sciences
105online KY-Academy at Studium, City of Göteborg
106online Kalmar University College
107online Karlstad Universitycourses | Karlstad University
108online Karolinska Institute | Department of Medicine, Solna Stockholmcourses | Karolinska Institute | Department of Medicine, Solna Stockholm
109online Karolinska Institute, Stockholm
110online Karolinska Institutet Innovations AB
111online Karolinska Institutet | Department of Medicine
112online Karolinska Institutet, Department of Neuroscience
113online Karolinska Institutet, Dept of Medicine, Solna, Helene Utterberg, Norrbacka S3, 01, SE, 171 76 Stockholm
114online Karolinska Institutet, Structural Genomics Consortium
115online Karolinska University Hospital
116online Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine MIMS, Umeå, Sweden
117online Linköping Universitycourses | Linköping University
118online Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies (ISV)
119online Linnaeus centre HEAD, Linköping University
120online Linnéuniversitetet
121online Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research Ltd
122online Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research Ltd.
123online Luleå University of Technologycourses | Luleå University of Technology
124online Lund Institute of Technology
125online Lund Stem Cell Center, Lunds University
126online Lund Universitycourses | Lund University
127online Lund University | School of Economics and Management
128possibly not online Lund University, Stem Cell Center
129online Lund University/Lund University Diabetes Centre/Lund Stem Cell Centre
130online Lunds Universitet, Socialhögskolancourses | Lunds Universitet, Socialhögskolan
131online Lutheran School of Theology
132online MalmÖ Art Academy
133online Malmö Academy of Music, Lunds University
134online Malmö University Collegecourses | Malmö University College
135online Manne Siegbahn Laboratory (MSL)
136online Mid Sweden University, Härnösandcourses | Mid Sweden University, Härnösand
137online Mid Sweden University, Östersund
138online Mitthögskolan, Institutionen för Socialt Arbete
139online Mullsjö Folkhögskola
140online Musikhögskolan i Piteå
141online Mälardalen Universitycourses | Mälardalen University
142possibly not online NCI - Nordic Centre in India
143online NOVA University Network
144online National Academy of Mime and Acting
145online National Institute of Public Health (SWE)
146online National Laboratory for Synchrotron Radiation MAX-lab|Lund University
147online National Leather School KY
148online National Veterinary Institute
149online Natural Science Research Council
150online Nordic Association of University Administrators (NAUA)
151online Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics (NORDITA)
152possibly not online Nordic Master in Maritime Management, Chalmers Student Centre, Chalmers University of Technology
153online Nordic School of Public Health
154online Office of the State Archaeologis, Fort Snelling History Center
155online Raoul Wallenberg Institute, Sweden
156online Red Cross University
157online Resilience Alliance
158online Rock City
159online Royal Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities
160online Royal College of Music in Stockholm
161online Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Organisation Department of Aeronautical and Vehicle Engineeringcourses | Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Organisation Department of Aeronautical and Vehicle Engineering
162online Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
163online Royal Swedish Ballet School
164online Royal University College of Fine Arts
165online Royal lnstitute of Technologycourses | Royal lnstitute of Technology
166online SMHI - Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute
167online SMI - Stockholm University College of Music Education
168online SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden
169online School of Business and Informatics/University College of Boras
170online School of Business, Economics and Law at University of Gothenburgcourses | School of Business, Economics and Law at University of Gothenburg
171online School of Business, Stockholm Universityjob vacancies | School of Business, Stockholm University
172online School of Design and Crafts
173online School of Education and Communication, Jönköping Universitycourses | School of Education and Communication, Jönköping University
174possibly not online School of Music in Pitea
175online School of Music, Örebro University
176online School of Pure and Applied Natural Sciences, University of Kalmar
177online Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab)
178online Sodertons Hogskola University College
179online SoilSoc Network
180online Statens Kulturråd - Swedish Arts Council
181online Stockholm Brain Institute
182online Stockholm Centre for Organizational Research, Stockholm University
183possibly not online Stockholm Institute of Education
184online Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics
185online Stockholm Resilience Centre
186online Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm Universitycourses | Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University
187online Stockholm School of Economics
188online Stockholm Universitycourses | Stockholm University
189online Stockholm University Astrobiology Centre
190online Stockholm University College of Physical Education and Sports
191online Stockholm University | Wenner-Gren Institute for Experimental Biology
192possibly not online Stockholm University, Department of Physical, Inorganic and Structural Chemsitry
193possibly not online Stockholms Universitet, Institutionen för Socialt Arbete, Socialhögskolan
194online Susanna Cardell, University of Gothenburg
195online Swedish Biodiversity Centre
196online Swedish Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning
197possibly not online Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research
198online Swedish Heart Lung Foundation
199online Swedish Institutecourses | Swedish Institute
200online Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) Stockholm University
201online Swedish Institute of International Affairs
202online Swedish Institute of Space Physics
203online Swedish Institute of Steel Construction (SBI)
204online Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI)
205online Swedish National Defence Collegecourses | Swedish National Defence College
206online Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate
207online Swedish Research Council
208online Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciencescourses | Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences
209online Swedish South Asian Studies Network, Lund University
210online Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
211online Sweedish National Defence College
212online Sámi Educational Centre
213online Södertörn University College
214online TATAA Biocenter
215online The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)
216online The International Network for the Cultural History of Emotions in Pre-modernity
217online The Mucosal Immunobiology and Vaccine Center (MIVAC)
218online The Scandinavia-Japan Sasakawa Foundation
219online The Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology
220online The Swedish National Strategic Research Centre on Embedded Software PROGRESS, Mälardalen University
221online The Ubunto Aliance
222online Umea Centre for Molecular Medicine, Umea University (UCMM)
223online Umea Institute of Design, Umea Universitet
224online Umea Plant Science Centre, Department of Plant Physiology | Umea University
225online Umea Universitycourses | Umea University
226online Umea University, Department of Computing Sciencecourses | Umea University, Department of Computing Science
227online Umeå Plant Science Centre
228online Umeå University dept. Ecology and Environmental Science
229online Umeå University, Business School
230online Umeå University, Department of Molecular Biology
231online Umeå University, Dept of Ecology and Environmental Science
232online Umeå university, Chemical Biological Centre (KBC)
233online University College of Arts, Crafts and Design
234online University College of Borås
235online University College of Dance
236online University College of Gävle
237online University College of Kristianstad
238online University College of Opera
239online University College of Skövde
240online University College of Trollhättan/Uddevalla - (UNIVERSITY WEST)courses | University College of Trollhättan/Uddevalla - (UNIVERSITY WEST)
241online University Linnaeus | Linnaeus University
242online University of Borås - School of Textiles
243online University of Dance and Circuscourses | University of Dance and Circus
244online University of Gothenburg, The Sahlgrenska Academy
245online University of Lund, Department of Economics
246online University of Lund, Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystems Analysis
247online University of Lund, Department of Sociology
248online University of Lund, Division of Synchrotron Radiation Research, Department of Physics
249online University of Stockholm| Department of Applied Environmental Science (ITM)
250online Uppsala Centre for Evolution and Genomics, Uppsala University
251possibly not online Uppsala Universitet | Institutionen för hushållsvetenskap
252online Uppsala Universitycourses | Uppsala University
253online Uppsala University | Department of Information Technology
254online Uppsala University, Department of Informatics and Media
255online Uppsala University, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology
256possibly not online Uppsala University, Dept of Ecology and Evolution / Limnology
257online Valand School of Fine Arts, University of Gothenburg
258online Växjö Universitycourses | Växjö University
259online WWF - Sweden
260online Wageningen University and Research Centre Plant Sciences Group - Biometris
261online Wallenberg Wood Science Center | Royal Institute of Technology (WWSC)
262online World Maritime Universitycourses | World Maritime University
263online YKI, Institute for Surface Chemistry
264possibly not online iLEAPS International Project Ofiice (iLEAPS IPO)
265online Örebro Leadership Academy
266online Örebro Theological Seminary
267online Örebro Universitycourses | Örebro University
268online ØresundORG

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