Symbols: : online, : possibly not online, : status uncertain, : possible broken link, :Url not found |
Index | Online- state | Institution | Job vacancies | Study opportunities |
1 | | Abisko Scientific Research Station | | |
2 | | Academy of Fine Arts | Umeå Universitet | | |
3 | | Academy of Music and Drama, University of Gothenburg | | |
4 | | Angstrom Laboratory, Uppsala University | | |
5 | | Aspero International Retail College | | |
6 | | Association of Swedish Higher Education (SUHF) | | |
7 | | BLICC - Business Leaders Initiative on Climate Change | | |
8 | | Baltic Business School (BBS), University of Kalmar | | |
9 | | Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics | | |
10 | | Blekinge Institute of Technology | | |
11 | | Blekinge Tekniska Höskola | | |
12 | | Business Academy's Faculty of Law | | |
13 | | Center for Biomembrane Research | | |
14 | | Centre for Environmental and Climate Research, Lund University | | |
15 | | Centrum för LivsLångt Lärande, C3L | | |
16 | | Chalmers University of Technology | | |
17 | | Chemical Biological Centre, Umeå University (KBC) | | |
18 | | Computational Biology and Biological Physics, Lund University | | |
19 | | Computational and Systems Biology, Department of Laboratory Medicine | Lund University | | |
20 | | Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) | | |
21 | | Dalarna University College | | |
22 | | Department of Biology, Stockholm Environment Institute, University of York | | |
23 | | Department of Biomedical Engineering | Linkoping University | | |
24 | | Department of Business Administration, University of Lund | | |
25 | | Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, University of Gothenburg | | |
26 | | Department of Chemistry, Umeå University | | |
27 | | Department of Chemistry,Umeå University | | |
28 | | Department of English, Uppsala University | | |
29 | | Department of Geology and Geochemistry, Stockholm University | | |
30 | | Department of Government, Uppsala University | | |
31 | | Department of Laboratory Medicine, Lund University | | |
32 | | Department of Law, Stockholm University | | |
33 | | Department of Materials Chemistry, Uppsala University | | |
34 | | Department of Mathematical Sciences,Göteborg University | | |
35 | | Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics | Karolinska Institutet | | |
36 | | Department of Medicine, Solna , Karolinska Institutet | | |
37 | | Department of Molecular Biology and Functional Genomics | Stockholm University | | |
38 | | Department of Molecular Biology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) | | |
39 | | Department of Nuclear Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology | | |
40 | | Department of Photochemistry and Molecular Science, Uppsala University | | |
41 | | Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystems Analysis, University of Lund | | |
42 | | Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University | | |
43 | | Department of Physics at Gothenburg University | | |
44 | | Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM), Linkoping University | | |
45 | | Department of Political Science, Stockholm University | | |
46 | | Department of Social Sciences, Växjö University | | |
47 | | Department of Social Work, Stockholm University | | |
48 | | Department of Theoretical Physics, Lund University | | |
49 | | Department of thematitic studies, Linköpings University | | |
50 | | Dept. of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics (MBB), Karolinska Institutet (KI) | | |
51 | | Dramatiska institutet University College of Film, Radio, Television and Theatre | | |
52 | | Economic Research Institute (EFI) | | |
53 | | Embassy of the Kingdom of Sweden in Lithuania | | |
54 | | Encell | | |
55 | | Ersta Sköndal Högskola, Institutionen för Socialt Arbete | | |
56 | | Ersta Sköndal University College | | |
57 | | European Molecular Biology Network (EMBnet) | | |
58 | | European Network for Housing Research (ENHR) | | |
59 | | Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Göteborg University | | |
60 | | Faculty of Health Sciences Linköping University | | |
61 | | Faculty of Law, University of Lund | | |
62 | | Faculty of Medicine, Lund University | | |
63 | | Faculty of Pharmacy, Uppsala University | | |
64 | | Faculty of Science, University of Gothenburg | | |
65 | | Folkuniversitetet | | |
66 | | Forestry Research Institute of Sweden, SKOGFORSK | | |
67 | | Foretags Ekonomiska Institutet, Stockholm | | |
68 | | Geobiosphere Science Centre | | |
69 | | Gestalt Academy | | |
70 | | Gotland University College | | |
71 | | Göteborg University | | |
72 | | Göteborg University, Department of Political Science | | |
73 | | Göteborgs Universitet, Institutionen för Socialt Arbete | | |
74 | | Göteborgs universitet, Institutionen för kulturvård | | |
75 | | H.M. Queen Sophia University, College of Nursing | | |
76 | | Halmstad University | | |
77 | | Henrik Semb, Stem Cell Center, Lund University, Sweden | | |
78 | | Hogskolan Kristianstad/Kristianstad University | | |
79 | | IHM Business School | | |
80 | | INTRO - INteractive RObotics research network | | |
81 | | Information Coding, Linköping University (LiU) | | |
82 | | Ingesund Music School, Karlstad University | | |
83 | | Ingesund School of Music | | |
84 | | Institut Mittag-Leffler | | |
85 | | Institute for Advanced Training of Journalists «FOJO» | | |
86 | | Institute of International Sociology | | |
87 | | Institute of Laboratory Medicine | Lund University | | |
88 | | Institute of Technology, University Linköping | | |
89 | | International Drama/Theatre and Education Association (IDEA) | | |
90 | | International Foundation for Science | | |
91 | | Itim International | | |
92 | | J | | |
93 | | JTI - Swedish Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering | | |
94 | | Jnkping International Business School | | |
95 | | Johannelunds Theological University College | | |
96 | | Jonkoping International Business School | | |
97 | | Jonkoping School of Engineering, Jönköping University | | |
98 | | Jönköping School of Engineering | | |
99 | | Jönköping School of Health Science, Jönköping University | | |
100 | | Jönköping University | | |
101 | | Jönköping University College of Health Sciences | | |
102 | | Jönköping University | School of Health Sciences | | |
103 | | Jönköping University, International Business School | | |
104 | | KTH, School of Engineering Sciences | | |
105 | | KY-Academy at Studium, City of Göteborg | | |
106 | | Kalmar University College | | |
107 | | Karlstad University | | |
108 | | Karolinska Institute | Department of Medicine, Solna Stockholm | | |
109 | | Karolinska Institute, Stockholm | | |
110 | | Karolinska Institutet Innovations AB | | |
111 | | Karolinska Institutet | Department of Medicine | | |
112 | | Karolinska Institutet, Department of Neuroscience | | |
113 | | Karolinska Institutet, Dept of Medicine, Solna, Helene Utterberg, Norrbacka S3, 01, SE, 171 76 Stockholm | | |
114 | | Karolinska Institutet, Structural Genomics Consortium | | |
115 | | Karolinska University Hospital | | |
116 | | Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine MIMS, Umeå, Sweden | | |
117 | | Linköping University | | |
118 | | Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies (ISV) | | |
119 | | Linnaeus centre HEAD, Linköping University | | |
120 | | Linnéuniversitetet | | |
121 | | Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research Ltd | | |
122 | | Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research Ltd. | | |
123 | | Luleå University of Technology | | |
124 | | Lund Institute of Technology | | |
125 | | Lund Stem Cell Center, Lunds University | | |
126 | | Lund University | | |
127 | | Lund University | School of Economics and Management | | |
128 | | Lund University, Stem Cell Center | | |
129 | | Lund University/Lund University Diabetes Centre/Lund Stem Cell Centre | | |
130 | | Lunds Universitet, Socialhögskolan | | |
131 | | Lutheran School of Theology | | |
132 | | MalmÖ Art Academy | | |
133 | | Malmö Academy of Music, Lunds University | | |
134 | | Malmö University College | | |
135 | | Manne Siegbahn Laboratory (MSL) | | |
136 | | Mid Sweden University, Härnösand | | |
137 | | Mid Sweden University, Östersund | | |
138 | | Mitthögskolan, Institutionen för Socialt Arbete | | |
139 | | Mullsjö Folkhögskola | | |
140 | | Musikhögskolan i Piteå | | |
141 | | Mälardalen University | | |
142 | | NCI - Nordic Centre in India | | |
143 | | NOVA University Network | | |
144 | | National Academy of Mime and Acting | | |
145 | | National Institute of Public Health (SWE) | | |
146 | | National Laboratory for Synchrotron Radiation MAX-lab|Lund University | | |
147 | | National Leather School KY | | |
148 | | National Veterinary Institute | | |
149 | | Natural Science Research Council | | |
150 | | Nordic Association of University Administrators (NAUA) | | |
151 | | Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics (NORDITA) | | |
152 | | Nordic Master in Maritime Management, Chalmers Student Centre, Chalmers University of Technology | | |
153 | | Nordic School of Public Health | | |
154 | | Office of the State Archaeologis, Fort Snelling History Center | | |
155 | | Raoul Wallenberg Institute, Sweden | | |
156 | | Red Cross University | | |
157 | | Resilience Alliance | | |
158 | | Rock City | | |
159 | | Royal Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities | | |
160 | | Royal College of Music in Stockholm | | |
161 | | Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Organisation Department of Aeronautical and Vehicle Engineering | | |
162 | | Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences | | |
163 | | Royal Swedish Ballet School | | |
164 | | Royal University College of Fine Arts | | |
165 | | Royal lnstitute of Technology | | |
166 | | SMHI - Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute | | |
167 | | SMI - Stockholm University College of Music Education | | |
168 | | SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden | | |
169 | | School of Business and Informatics/University College of Boras | | |
170 | | School of Business, Economics and Law at University of Gothenburg | | |
171 | | School of Business, Stockholm University | | |
172 | | School of Design and Crafts | | |
173 | | School of Education and Communication, Jönköping University | | |
174 | | School of Music in Pitea | | |
175 | | School of Music, Örebro University | | |
176 | | School of Pure and Applied Natural Sciences, University of Kalmar | | |
177 | | Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab) | | |
178 | | Sodertons Hogskola University College | | |
179 | | SoilSoc Network | | |
180 | | Statens Kulturråd - Swedish Arts Council | | |
181 | | Stockholm Brain Institute | | |
182 | | Stockholm Centre for Organizational Research, Stockholm University | | |
183 | | Stockholm Institute of Education | | |
184 | | Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics | | |
185 | | Stockholm Resilience Centre | | |
186 | | Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University | | |
187 | | Stockholm School of Economics | | |
188 | | Stockholm University | | |
189 | | Stockholm University Astrobiology Centre | | |
190 | | Stockholm University College of Physical Education and Sports | | |
191 | | Stockholm University | Wenner-Gren Institute for Experimental Biology | | |
192 | | Stockholm University, Department of Physical, Inorganic and Structural Chemsitry | | |
193 | | Stockholms Universitet, Institutionen för Socialt Arbete, Socialhögskolan | | |
194 | | Susanna Cardell, University of Gothenburg | | |
195 | | Swedish Biodiversity Centre | | |
196 | | Swedish Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning | | |
197 | | Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research | | |
198 | | Swedish Heart Lung Foundation | | |
199 | | Swedish Institute | | |
200 | | Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) Stockholm University | | |
201 | | Swedish Institute of International Affairs | | |
202 | | Swedish Institute of Space Physics | | |
203 | | Swedish Institute of Steel Construction (SBI) | | |
204 | | Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) | | |
205 | | Swedish National Defence College | | |
206 | | Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate | | |
207 | | Swedish Research Council | | |
208 | | Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences | | |
209 | | Swedish South Asian Studies Network, Lund University | | |
210 | | Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences | | |
211 | | Sweedish National Defence College | | |
212 | | Sámi Educational Centre | | |
213 | | Södertörn University College | | |
214 | | TATAA Biocenter | | |
215 | | The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) | | |
216 | | The International Network for the Cultural History of Emotions in Pre-modernity | | |
217 | | The Mucosal Immunobiology and Vaccine Center (MIVAC) | | |
218 | | The Scandinavia-Japan Sasakawa Foundation | | |
219 | | The Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology | | |
220 | | The Swedish National Strategic Research Centre on Embedded Software PROGRESS, Mälardalen University | | |
221 | | The Ubunto Aliance | | |
222 | | Umea Centre for Molecular Medicine, Umea University (UCMM) | | |
223 | | Umea Institute of Design, Umea Universitet | | |
224 | | Umea Plant Science Centre, Department of Plant Physiology | Umea University | | |
225 | | Umea University | | |
226 | | Umea University, Department of Computing Science | | |
227 | | Umeå Plant Science Centre | | |
228 | | Umeå University dept. Ecology and Environmental Science | | |
229 | | Umeå University, Business School | | |
230 | | Umeå University, Department of Molecular Biology | | |
231 | | Umeå University, Dept of Ecology and Environmental Science | | |
232 | | Umeå university, Chemical Biological Centre (KBC) | | |
233 | | University College of Arts, Crafts and Design | | |
234 | | University College of Borås | | |
235 | | University College of Dance | | |
236 | | University College of Gävle | | |
237 | | University College of Kristianstad | | |
238 | | University College of Opera | | |
239 | | University College of Skövde | | |
240 | | University College of Trollhättan/Uddevalla - (UNIVERSITY WEST) | | |
241 | | University Linnaeus | Linnaeus University | | |
242 | | University of Borås - School of Textiles | | |
243 | | University of Dance and Circus | | |
244 | | University of Gothenburg, The Sahlgrenska Academy | | |
245 | | University of Lund, Department of Economics | | |
246 | | University of Lund, Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystems Analysis | | |
247 | | University of Lund, Department of Sociology | | |
248 | | University of Lund, Division of Synchrotron Radiation Research, Department of Physics | | |
249 | | University of Stockholm| Department of Applied Environmental Science (ITM) | | |
250 | | Uppsala Centre for Evolution and Genomics, Uppsala University | | |
251 | | Uppsala Universitet | Institutionen för hushållsvetenskap | | |
252 | | Uppsala University | | |
253 | | Uppsala University | Department of Information Technology | | |
254 | | Uppsala University, Department of Informatics and Media | | |
255 | | Uppsala University, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology | | |
256 | | Uppsala University, Dept of Ecology and Evolution / Limnology | | |
257 | | Valand School of Fine Arts, University of Gothenburg | | |
258 | | Växjö University | | |
259 | | WWF - Sweden | | |
260 | | Wageningen University and Research Centre Plant Sciences Group - Biometris | | |
261 | | Wallenberg Wood Science Center | Royal Institute of Technology (WWSC) | | |
262 | | World Maritime University | | |
263 | | YKI, Institute for Surface Chemistry | | |
264 | | iLEAPS International Project Ofiice (iLEAPS IPO) | | |
265 | | Örebro Leadership Academy | | |
266 | | Örebro Theological Seminary | | |
267 | | Örebro University | | |
268 | | ØresundORG | | |