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Symbols: online: online, possibly not online: possibly not online, status uncertain: status uncertain, possible broken link: possible broken link, Url not found:Url not found
InstitutionJob vacanciesStudy opportunities
1Url not found Bouake Agricultural Institute
2possibly not online Catholic University of West Africa / University of Abidjan Unit
3online Groupe Ecoles D`Ingenieurs AGITEL-FORMATION, Business School
4Url not found Innkeeper of the Riveria Professional Secondary School
5online Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouët-Boigny
6possibly not online Inter-African Higher School of Electricity
7online International Community School of Abidjan
8online International University of Grand-Bassamcourses | International University of Grand-Bassam
9online National Advanced School of Statistics and Applied Economics
10Url not found National Higher School of Posts and Telecommunications
11online Pigier Côte divoire
12online Universitè Intercontinentale Le Bon Samaritain, The Yorker International University
13possibly not online Université Abobo-Adjamé-Sciences de la nature et de l'environnement
14online Université Félix Houphouët-Boignycourses | Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny
15possibly not online Université d'Abobo - Adjamé
16online Université de Bouaké
17online West Africa Rice Development Association (WARDA)
18online new Superior School of Engineering and Technology

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