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Iceland academic institutions Directory

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Academic Jobs in Iceland Degrees, Courses, Programs in Iceland Bachelors Degrees in Iceland Masters Degrees in Iceland Diplomas in Iceland PhD Programs in Iceland Scholarships in Iceland Associate Programs in Iceland Certificate Programs in Iceland Undergraduate Programs in Iceland Graduate Programs in Iceland Postgraduate Programs in Iceland Majors in Iceland Minors in Iceland Research Degrees in Iceland
Academic Institutions in Iceland Universities in Iceland Institutes in Iceland Colleges in Iceland Academies in Iceland Polytechnics in Iceland Departments in Iceland Faculties in Iceland Chairs in Iceland Organizations in Iceland Associations in Iceland Centres in Iceland Medical Centres in Iceland Foundations in Iceland Networks in Iceland
Symbols: online: online, possibly not online: possibly not online, status uncertain: status uncertain, possible broken link: possible broken link, Url not found:Url not found
InstitutionJob vacanciesStudy opportunities
1online Agricultural University of Iceland (AUI)courses | Agricultural University of Iceland (AUI)
2possibly not online Association of Professors in Iceland
3online Association of University Teachers in Akureyri (FHA)
4online Bifrost School of Business
5online DeCode genetics
6online Galapagos Park
7online Holar University College
8online Iceland Academy of the Arts
9online Iceland Fulbright Commission
10online Iceland University of Educationcourses | Iceland University of Education
11online Icelandic Centre for Research
12online Icelandic Centre for Research, RANNIS
13online Icelandic College of Art and Crafts
14online Icelandic Institute for Intelligent Machines
15online Icelandic Institute of Technology
16online Icelandic Mathematical Society
17online Icelandic Tourism Research Centre
18online Innovation Center Iceland
19online Institution of Health Science Research, University of Akureyri
20online Isafjordur University Centre of the Westfjordscourses | Isafjordur University Centre of the Westfjords
21online Marine Research Institute (MRI)
22online Matís - Icelandic food research
23online Office of Evaluation and Analysis of the Icelandic Ministry of Education, Science and Culture
24online RES - The School for Renewable Energy Science
25online RHA - The Research Centre of the University of Akureyri
26online Reiknistofnun University of Iceland
27online Reykjavik College of Music
28online Reykjavik University Mathematics Institute, Department of Mathematics
29online Reykjavik University, School of Science and Engineering
30online Reykjavík Academy
31online Reykjavík Universitycourses | Reykjavík University
32online Reykjavík University School of Science and Engineering
33online School of Science and Engineering Reykjavik Univeristycourses | School of Science and Engineering Reykjavik Univeristy
34possibly not online School of Social Sciences, University of Iceland
35online Stefansson Arctic Institute
36online Taekniskoli Islands, Reykjavik
37online The Icelandic Centre for Asian Studies - ASÍS
38online University Center of the West Fjords
39online University Hospital
40online University of Akureyricourses | University of Akureyri
41online University of Icelandcourses | University of Iceland
42online University of Iceland, Center for Systems Biologycourses | University of Iceland, Center for Systems Biology
43possibly not online University of Iceland, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
44online Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies, University of Iceland

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